In loving Memory Of
Dante Angel Mullinix.
9/21/2015- 9/15/2018
Dante was born in Gettysburg, PA September 21, 2015. Dante and his mother Leah (my baby sister) lived with me and my children up until June 13, 2018. My sister then moved to york, PA with Dante in with a "boyfriend" called Holiday and his mother and cousin.. She stayed with them up until mid august and then was kicked out which shortly after I found that out I called cps which they told me to file for emergency custody so I filed for emergency custody our hearing date was supposed to be September 5, 2018.. Children and youth was involved before and at the time my nephew died as well.. So on September 5th my sister didn't show up to the hearing she called in and the judge then rescheduled it to October but by that time it would be far to late.. Dante became lifeless while in Tyree's care which he only had him for about and hour and 30 mins.. Dante was covered in bruises and injuries in different stages of healing.. Foundation was being put on those bruises and marks.. My sister was staying in a Domestic violence homeless shelter in York so many people seen Dante and many people called children and youth even Tyree called them on Aug 30th Tyree helped get my sister into the DV Shelter... So when Dante became lifeless while with Tyree which Tyree gave Dante a cookie while in his car so when he looked back he seen him choking little did he know it was way more to it then just that but he then brought him into the ER which my sister was already there waiting to be seen because she had a "migraine" Dante was put on life support and flown to Hershey Medical Center which they also discovered that "diaper rash" he had was much more then just that he also some how contracted Type 2 Genital herpes which his mother and Tyree don't have either... The cops charged tyree which he is still waiting for trial which is supposed to happen in Jan 2022.. The cops would rather charge the last person that had Dante instead of doing a proper investigation.. There is so much more to this then most know.. children and youth case workers had leah take dante for a safe child check which the caseworker drove them to the ER a forensic nurse did body maps on Dante September 2, 2018 and stated That dante shows signs of neglect and trauma and should be taken into custody but children and youth didn't do that either they left him go back home.. Dante was also non verbal so he couldn't use his words but he tried telling them by trying to show them the best way he could... But they ignored his crys for help they ignored, deleted and screened out life saving calls people were making on his behalf!
Spc. Joshua Mullinix
Gone but never forgotten..